Terms & Conditions
Surf Hostel Biarritz may at any time revise the Terms without advance notice. The User is responsible for reviewing the Terms on each occasion that he/she revisits the Site and if the User continues to use the Site after changes are made to the Terms he/she is deemed to have accepted them.
Legal Notices
In accordance with Article 6 of French Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on Confidence in the Digital Economy, the Site (https://www.surfhostelbiarritz.com/) is the property of Surf Hostel Biarritz.
Publisher: EIRL Feder / Surf Hostel Biarritz
CRN: 499 353 696 00044
Head Office: 52 rue de Madrid, 64200 Biarritz, France
Publishing manager: Dörte Feder
Site: https://www.surfhostelbiarritz.com/
Host: 1&1 IONOS (https://www.ionos.com/)
Webmaster: PJ Productions (https://www.pj-productions.com/)
Please address any queries about the Site (https://www.surfhostelbiarritz.com/) to Surf Hostel Biarritz:
Email: surfhostelbiarritz@gmail.com / Phone: +33 7 65 66 22 22
Interlectual Property and Copyright
Personal Data
In accordance with French Law (Article 27 of Law No. 78.17 of 6 January 1978 regarding data processing, records and privacy), the User has the right to challenge (Article 26), access (Articles 34 to 38) and correct (Article 36) any data which concerns him/her. The User can contact Surf Hostel Biarritz to have any inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or outdated information about him/her corrected, updated or deleted.
The Site contains hypertext links to other websites. Surf Hostel Biarritz cannot exercise any control over these sites and can therefore not be held responsible for the availability of these external sites and sources, and cannot be held responsible for the content created or published on these third-party sites.
Limit of Liability
The Site offers the possibility to send e-mails to Surf Hostel Biarritz. These emails are sent over the Internet, a public network over which Surf Hostel Biarritz has no control, and are therefore subject to interception, alteration or loss. Surf Hostel Biarritz declines any responsibility in this matter.
All costs releated to accessing the Site (material, software or internet access) are the exclusive responsibility of the User. The User is solely responsible for the proper functioning of his computer equipment as well as his access to the Internet.
telemarketing OPt-out
In order to respect customers privacy and communication preferences, we suggess to the customer to inscribe to BLOCTEL services.
Governing Law
In accordance with Article L. 612-1 of the Consumer Code, the consumer, subject to Article L.612.2 of the Consumer Code, has the right to submit a request for amicable resolution by mediation, within a period of less than one year from his written complaint to the professional.
FEDER THOMAS EI has designated, by membership registered under number 53332/VM/2407, SAS Médiation Solution as a consumer mediation entity.
To contact the mediator, the consumer must submit his request:
- Either in writing to: Sas Médiation Solution - 222 chemin de la bergerie 01800 Saint Jean de Niost
- Or by email to: contact@sasmediationsolution-conso.fr
- Or by completing the online form entitled "Contact the mediator" on the website https://www.sasmediationsolution-conso.fr
Regardless of the means of referral used, the request must imperatively contain:
- The postal, telephone and electronic contact details of the applicant,
- The name, address and registration number with Sas MédiationSolution, of the professional concerned,
- A brief statement of the facts,
- Copy of the prior complaint,
- All documents allowing the request to be processed (purchase order, invoice, proof of payment, etc.)
SAS MEDIATION-Solution Consommation
222 Chemin de la Bergerie
01800 Saint Jean de Niost
Siret 83286956400019
Tel.: 04 82 53 93 06