
Free Surfboards
Surf Hostel Biarritz provides every guest a surfboard FREE OF CHARGE to use during your stay! Don’t stress about extra baggage fees or expensive surfboard rental costs. Forget those worries when you stay with us! Our surfboards range in size from 5’10” shortboards to 8-ft longboards. We have beginner soft top surfboards, polyester surfboards, and epoxy surfboards available (on a first-come-first-served basis). We have 2 new performance boards to rent from WYVE.
All surfboards are waxed and come equipped with a leash. Come ready to surf as much as you want during your stay at the Surf Hostel Biarritz. Wetsuits are available to rent for a great price of 10€ / day for a long and 5€ / day for a shorty.
Please note that all equipment must be returned to the Surf Hostel Biarritz before or at the time of check out (10am latest) on your departure date.