From the Airport

Get to our hostel from the airport

The Biarritz airport is less than 2 km from the hostel. The hostel is about 30 minutes walking distance away from the airport. Insert our address Domaine de Migron, Bât. E into Google Maps to find the best route. To take the public bus (buy your ticket on the bus) follow these directions:

  • Take the west exit of the airport (turn left when coming out of arrivals gate) and walk 30m to the bus station.
  • Take BUS 36 direction Cité Scolaire and get off at the bus stop G.Petit.
  • Change to BUS N11 direction Hippodrome and get off at the bus stop Migron.
  • You will reach a roundabout. Turn left onto the driveway just before the roundabout and walk straight 60m to the Surf Hostel Biarritz.

You can check bus website to see the bus routes and timetable.

residence entrance of the hostel
entrance of the hostel
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